The Superior Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will award four $1000 scholarships to women completing their second year of post high school education or continuing their education for career advancement or returning to the work field. Read the full article to learn how to apply.
We warmly invite all the members of our parish community to participate in our Healing Mass, which will be celebrated throughout the weekend of December 14th @ 7:00 PM mass & Dec 15th @ 8:00 AM Mass.
Join us on Tuesday, November 19 to learn about: Bible Connections, the Story of the Tilma and Juan Diego, the Aztecs, Catholic Spain, and the Great Evangelization
Tuesday morning Adult Faith Formation will begin at 9:00 am on October 22nd. Father Anil will be leading a study on the book: “I am not being fed” for approx. 10 weeks.
On Thursday evenings in October, Father Anil is hosting “One Hour with Our
Mother.” There will be a light meal from 5:00-6:00, and from 6:00-7:00 will be the Rosary and adoration.
In support of this National initiative, all parishes in the Superior Diocese will take turns holding daily Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. On Wednesday, December 13, St. Mary's Church will have Holy Mass at 8:00 am, followed by Adoration from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 pm.