Totus Tuus (pronounced tote-es too-es - Latin for “Totally Yours”) is a Catholic youth program
dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith through catechesis,
evangelization, Christian witness, and Eucharistic worship. Totus Tuus strives to help young
people to know and love their faith so that they may live it in today’s world.
The Totus Tuus team consists of four college students and seminarians from across the United
States (two men and two women). The team members' mission is to teach the faith and inspire
the young. The leaders help to make the faith real to our children and youth, making faith a way of life and love, not simply a set of rules and obligations to be followed.
St. Mary's hosts Totus Tuus every summer and the program has two sessions - one for grades 1-6 and another for grades 7-12.
Questions? Contact Amanda Zurek at [email protected].